It is a long process to undertake but beneficial in the long run for the exposure of your website, especially if it works only through the digital channel or if the latter plays a central role in the overall business strategy of your company. Having the guarantee of an optimized website that complies with SEO rules allows you to bemore visible on search engines such as Google or Bing, and therefore to be more often visited by a qualified audience if the strategy initially set up is the right one (relevant keyword research, realization of contents adapted to your target, netlinking...). Sytadelle is here to answer your needs and to set up a digital strategy with your help and your validation through monthly meetings. Nothing will be done without your agreement at each step of the process! From its conception to its production, Sytadelle dedicates a team to improve your referencing on search engineswithout excluding you from the adventure with an agile method allowing flexibility and adaptation.